/** * The header for Astra Theme. * * This is the template that displays all of the section and everything up until
* * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-files/#template-partials * * @package Astra * @since 1.0.0 */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } ?> Terms and Conditions – Newarenaworld

Terms and Conditions

Our website can be updated, changed, and replaced at any time. These are subject to change at any time without providing website visitors with prior notification. The way the website is used can change as a result of changes. Naturally, we aim to make the site better and easier to use. Your acceptance and adherence to the terms of use is the only requirement for using the website.
The following conditions are accepted by you when using this website:

1. The content of this website’s articles is purely educational. Any activities you take as a result of reading anything on the website are at your own risk. This includes material distributed through email marketing.


No mobile or online gaming. You promise not to use the website for any illegal purposes.

3. In the event that you violate any of these Terms, you promise to cover all costs and indemnify us against any claims, liabilities, obligations, losses, or damages incurred by third parties.

4. You acknowledge and agree not to upload or send any viruses, worms, trojan horses, macro viruses, or other entities to the Site that are designed to interfere with, interrupt, or otherwise impair a computer, computer network, or mobile device’s regular operation. It is prohibited for you to try to gain unauthorized access to any system.

5. We may provide links to other websites or resources in order to give our visitors greater value. You

acknowledging and accepting that we have no control over the availability of such websites or resources, that we are not liable for any marketing,

You acknowledge that we or any of our users may find any material you publish or send on the Site distasteful, obscene, offensive, or inappropriate. This contains content that some people may find offensive, upsetting, or too concerning. Such content may be removed by us at any time and without previous notice or justification.

User Content refers to all data and materials that users provide to the website. Your Customer

You agree to take full responsibility for your User Content and all associated risks. You swear

You represent and warrant that your User Content complies with our Acceptable Use Policy by agreeing to this Agreement. You are not permitted to say or imply that supports, approves, or endorses your User Content. You provide your User Content by doing so.

You are permitted to edit and incorporate User Materials into other works under the terms of this license. may also provide sublicenses for the use of User Content on the Site, subject to the conditions of this Agreement.

You give up any moral rights and credit claims you might have against the subject matter by accepting this Agreement.

the User Materials. You commit to using the Site in no way that is against the law.

any method that might damage or alter data or computer systems. Furthermore, you are not allowed to distribute spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other unlawful or repetitious materials using the Site. Additionally, it is unlawful to collect data on other users without their consent.

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